Developing Mobile Apps on the Android Platforms

  • Introduction to Mobile App. Development
  • Getting started with Android App. Development
  • Building the User Interface
  • Adding Functionality to a UI
  • Debugging Android Apps.
  • Handling Data in Android Apps – I
  • Handling Data in Android Apps – II
  • Working with services and Broadcast Receivers
  • Enhancing the UI
  • Notifying the User
  • Using Location Based Services
  • Communicating via Android Apps.
  • Enhancing Apps. With Graphics and Multimedia
  • Testing and Deploying and Android App.

RDBMS Essentials & TSQL Programming

Duration : 36 Hrs. ( Contact Session ) + 18 Hrs. (CL) + 24 Hrs. Lab@Home+ 6Hrs. (EL)


  • Identify the SQL Server tools
  • Retrieve, summaries and group data
  • Use functions to customize the result set
  • Query data by using joins and sub – queries
  • Manage database, table and result sets
  • Manipulate XML data and implementa full – text search
  • Implement batches , stored procedures, functions , trigger and transactions
  • Monitor and optimize database performance.